How do I set up my bot?

Insert your Bot directly into your content in order to collect data with custom questions.

1. What is the Bot feature?


This feature enables you to collect data from your audience with a personalized, rich-media experience. Your conversion rate with a Bot will be higher than with a classic entry-form.


2. Creating a Bot

  • Start from an existing experience, or create a new one.
  • You'll find the Bot tab directly in the left hand-side menu:
Notion image
  • Click on New Bot. You'll see a preview of the Bot on the right hand side of the screen.
  • Give a name to your Bot.

3. What are the trigger options?

A. Pin

This type of Bot will appear in all your landing pages and in all your microsite's screens. This is a good option if you want to collect data continuously.

Notion image

B. Trigger on screen

This option will enable you linking the Bot to one or several screen(s). Select the experience and the screen you want your Bot to appear on. Click on the "+" to trigger it on another screen.

Notion image

4. How will the Bot display?


The Bot can open from three different ways:

  • automatically: the Bot will automatically show when you will open the screen where it has been set up;
  • notify (available only for pinned Bots): a notification will appear, visitors will click on the widget to open the Bot manually;
  • button: you can add a Bot button in your screen.

You can also consult the article on : How to create a powerful bot and maximize data collection?


5. How to duplicate a bot

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