1. What is an instant win?
The instant win is a form of promotional game in which the participant win a prize on winning time slots. He finds out live in the bot whether he has won or not after having filled in his information.
2. Set up the rewards
- From your workspace, go to
and selectRewards
- Click on the
+ Reward

- Add a reward (insert title, description, quantity, price, category and image) then click on

- By clicking on Confirm, your reward will appear in the Rewards tab (example below)
Information : you can add as many as you want. Just click on + Reward

3. Set up the contest
Once you have registered your rewards :
- Go to the
- Click on
+ Promotion
and then onInstant Win

- A window
Choose your rewards and their quantity
appears, choose the title of the contest
- Assign the rewards of your choice to the contest
- Click on
Information: the number of prizes to be won cannot exceed the total number of prizes in your possession.

You can then :
- Choose the time zone
- Define a period
- Generate instant win dates. If these dates do not suit you, you can change them manually.
- Sort by date
- Limit the contest to one trial per day if you wish
- Put the rewards in "Priority. When you have several rewards on a whole day, putting some rewards in priority will automatically put them in front of the rewards that are not in priority.
- Allow winning without email

4. Insert an instant win in the Bot
The Bot allows the user to register for the automatic instant win. The winners will be drawn among the user who entered their details in the bot.
Add the Instant Win
You must request the email before the instant win question.

Don't forget to select your contest
in the drop-down menu ( it must be in Ready

5. Putting it online
Once the configuration is complete, make sure you have saved your changes. First
click on Save
, then on Go Live.
6. Collect the Winners’ information
Once the contest is online, you’ll need to collect the winners’ information so you can contact them.
To do that :
- From your Workspace, go to
and thenContests

The contest previously setted appears with some of the winners and the number of the remaining prizes to win.
- move your cursor on the contest you want
- Click on
, so you can download the csv file with all the winners informations

- Open the file with Excel, where you would see the different winners informations : visitor ID, status, first & lastname, phone number, email, and the reward title.

Recurring questions
1. May a person participate & win more than once during the entire game ?
Participate several times a day : A player can participate as many times as he desires during the entire game.
But, the possibility of winning several times depends on how you set the option “a visitor can win once a day”.
1st CASE - Option "a visitor can win once a day" is activated
- The player can only win once a day
- The visitor can play as many times as he wants during the game.
- A "won", "already won" or "lose" message will appear depending on the situation.
Example : Coca Cola starts an instant win. There are 10 t-shirts and 2 tickets for the UEFA Euro 2024 final to be won. That makes a total of 12 prizes. The game starts on March 1, 2024 and ends on March 26, 2024. Option "a visitor can win once a day" is activated :
- Jack plays on his smartphone in public browsing on 03/03/2024 at 09:52 am and he loses. Message that appears in the Bot : "Too bad ! You just lost !"-
- Jack plays on his smartphone in public browsing on 03/03/2024 at 10:03 and wins 1 t-shirt. Message that appears in the Bot : "Congratulations! You just won!"
- Jack joue de nouveau sur son smartphone en navigation publique le 03/03/2024 at 10:06. Message that appears in the Bot: “You already played and won! Try again tomorrow!”
Jack won once on 03/03/2024. He can’t win another prize on this day. Jack must wait until 03/04/2024 to win again.
2nd CASE - Option "a visitor can win once a day" is desactivated
- The visitor can play as many times as he wants during the day.
- The visitor can win once or several times a day.
- The visitor can win the same prizes or two different prizes.
- The visitor can loose or win several times a day.
- A “won” or “lose” message will appear depending on the attempt.
- The visitor can play as many times as he wants during the game.
There is no restriction for a player that has already won a prize, and no alert message asking him to wait the day after to play again.
Example : Coca Cola starts an instant win. There are 10 t-shirts and 2 tickets for the UEFA Euro 2024 final to be won. That makes a total of 12 prizes. The game starts on March 1, 2024 and ends on March 26, 2024. Option "a visitor can win once a day" is desactivated :
- Jack plays on his smartphone in public browsing on 03/03/2024 at 09:52 am and he loses. Message that appears in the Bot : "Too bad ! You just lost !"-
- Jack plays on his smartphone in public browsing on 03/03/2024 at 10:03 and wins 1 t-shirt. Message that appears in the Bot : "Congratulations! You just won!"
- Jack plays on his smartphone in public browsing on 03/03/2024 at 11:36 am and wins 1 t-shirt. Message that appears in the Bot : "Congratulations! You just won!"
- Jack plays on his smartphone in public browsing on 03/03/2024 at 11:43 am and wins 1 tickets for the UEFA Euro 2024. Message that appears in the Bot : "Congratulations! You just won!"
Jack won 3 times on 03/03/2024. He won 2 t-shirts and 1 ticket for the Euro 2024 Finale.
2. Why do I have to ask for the email address before the Instant Win is revealed?
When you set up the instant win in your Bot, the participant's email address must always be requested before the instant win is revealed.
Asking for their email address before the game starts ensures that they can be contacted if they win. If he is not asked for his email address or if it is asked for after he has played, he will automatically lose the game. Whether he tries once or several times during the day or during the whole game period, he will lose in any case.
3. What is the purpose of the "allow winning without email" option?
The option "authorize the victory without email" is used when the game or the winning instant takes place in the presence of the participants (during a trade show, in a store or in a street marketing event) and when the brand does not wish to collect Data.
The game appears on a poster, a sign or on flyers with a QRCode available to participants. They will be able to scan the QRCode on their phone to be redirected to the contest and participate from their mobile. The winners will be able to collect their prizes directly on the spot. The brand will also be able to manage its inventory of prizes.
4. Why do I have the same email in the winners' file several times?
It is possible that the participant has won several times in the contest. If he/she enters the same email, this explains the recurrence in the winners' file.