Analytics: CTAs & Share

In this tab, you'll learn more about the different CTAs of your experience.

1. CTA


CTA clicks


On this graph, the different CTAs of your experience are represented. You can compare for each one the number of impressions with the number of clicks (amount of times the button has been seen VS amount of times it has been clicked).

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CTA per device


On which device the CTAs has been clicked ore? Mobile or desktop?

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CTA per source


From which source the CTAs has been clicked more?

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2. Share



On this graph you'll find more information about the share button:

  • the amount of impressions of the button (how many times it has been seen)
  • the amount of clicks on the button
  • what type of share has been used between Facebook, X and email
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Share per device

Which device collected more share with your experience?

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Share per source

Which source collected more shares of your experience?

Note: Only the data with consent cookie are available.
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