How to track your users behaviour?

You have just published an experiment and you want to know its performance as well as the users' behavior?

Here you will find several uses of basic tracking scripts that will allow you to collect the information you need.

To start, you'll need to use the Fastory Tag Manager feature of your workspace. Thanks to these different scripts, the information will go directly into your Google Analytics.


Track visits on experience with a Google Analytics script


1. Google Analytics


To start, you need to get your Google Analytics script. Go to Google Analytics and click on "Administration" then in the Property column on "Tracking information" and "tracking code". You will then find the script specific to your Google Analytics account (Global Site Tag):

<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->

<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());

  gtag('config', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X');

2. Fastory Tag Manager- Initialization script


In the Fastory Tag Manager, choose the moment when the script should be launched and select the right experience from the list. Finally, choose in which category to insert its script: Essentials, Audience Measurement or Personalization. The article "RGPD, customize the notification of Cookies Consent" will help you understand the different categories

Finally, paste your Google Analytics script in the right section and validate.

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3. Fastory Tag Manager: Page View Scripts


Last action, you just have to position a script that will record the page views on the different screens. In the Tag Manager select the event "When do you want to trigger the script" and paste the following script, making sure to replace the UA-XXXXXXXX-X code with your own:

<script>gtag('config', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X')</script>
Note: once the scripts are positioned, remember to republish your experiment 🤓

Track the answers to an optin question in the bot


Choose the event "When there is an optin answer in the bot" and select the bot you're interested in. You can also add a variable "optinvalue" if you wish to know the answers to this question.


Insert this script into Fastory Tag Manager:

    hitType: 'event',
    eventCategory: 'Bot',
    eventAction: 'Conversion',
    eventLabel: 'Optin <<< VARIABLE OPTINVALUE >>>'
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Track the type of information you need


The Tag Manager offers a complete list of events on which you can trigger Google Analytics pixels, Facebook pixels, CRM pixels etc...


Among these events:

  • When the game starts
  • When the bot closes
  • When the visitor participates to a contest
  • When the visitor clicks on a button

And a lot more...


Track the CTAs


A great way to track the buttons is to insert UTMs on the different links redirecting towards your website or social media.

Here is a very practical tool to build your URL with UTMs :


How to test that your scripts were correctly integrated

We recommend to use the free Chrome extension, Omnibug.


1. Activate Omnibug on private navigation


In Chrome parameters, click on "Extensions", select Omnibug and click on "details" and activate "Allow private navigation mode".


2. Open your experience in private navigation


3. Open Omnibug


Click right on the experience then "Inspect". Open the Omnibug tab.

Navigate in the experience and look on the Omnibug tab if the scripts you integrated are working:

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